Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I Found My Phungshuk Wangdu..!!! :)

It was year 2004 during summers in Bangalore I completed my under graduation course and as usual everybody promised to be
in touch with each other after college. But as the fact goes for first initial days or probably for few months you are in contact with most of them especially your close friends.
Some of them I am still in contact even though we call or ping each other once a while.
There was this guy called Teisovi Gerard Meyase (I know the name sounds similar to Phungshuk Wangdu from 3 idiots...!! ;) )
Whom we used to call 'Gerry'. He was an intelligent chap, scoring very good marks in physics and mathematics especially, I remember him scoring highest marks in our finals physics paper. he was very active member of choir, in fact he used to train people in choir. The choir which he trained had won prices as well.
After college everybody choose their own directions, some wanted to work, some wanted to study further and few others wanted to get married and settle in life. like wise I wanted to study further and took up an MBA course.
But nobody had any idea what Gerry was up to because the day we finished our college there was no contact from Gerry. he went back to his home town Kohima in Nagaland.
I tried calling his land line number after few months and got to learn from his father, he is now in Shillong, I left a message saying to call me back when he is back from there.
I waited for few more months and once again called his land-line number but, unfortunately their land-line phone was no more in use.
Days passed by , months passed by and I completed my two year MBA course and started working.
It was 2006 and during that year, everyone had craze of opening an orkut account which even I have one. Through orkut I got in touch with many of my classmates but not Gerry.
After 4 years now in 2010 yesterday i.e., 6th Feb. 2010 I again tried searching Gerry on the internet. For my surprise I found 5 links on the Google. Out of which 3 were pdf document. I found that this chap is a faculty member at Kohima Science College!
when I saw that, I was super excited and started looking for phone number of Kohima Science College.
But for my surprise there was no phone numbers available for Kohima Science College on the internet.
I started making different searchs on Google about Kohima Science College. After many searches at last I found a phone number of Dr. Hovithal N.Sothu of Kohima Science College who is deputed else where. I called him at his residence number which was provided on the internet.
Dr.Hovithal was having his dinner and I told him that I'm looking for Teisovi's number and if he could help me to get in touch with him. I should say Dr.Hovithal is a very kind man, he told me to call him back after 30 minutes and he would give me Gerry's number.
I called him back after half an hour and Dr. Hovithal gave me Gerry's land-line number and his mobile number as well..!!
At this moment I was super delighted to hear from Dr.Hovithal. I thanked him lots and called on Gerrys mobile number.
There was a voice which heard from other side but unfortunately it was not Gerry..!!! :(
I was totally disappointed and asked for Teisovi, and then he said he is his father and that moment he is out and Teisovi is at home, he asked me to call him back after 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes finally I got to hear the voice of my Good old friend..!! Initially he did not recognize my voice.. hahaha..
But later he did... I should say my mission to search Gerry was finally accomplished..!!
we spoke over the phone for very long time. Later when we hungup the phone I received an SMS from Gerry saying “I can’t thank you enough for finding me. God bless, Good night”
Sometimes few people create a niche in your heart. And Gerry was that person..!! or rather i should say Teisovi Gerard Meyase was that person..!! ;)

PS: I thank Dr.Hovithal for giving me Gerry's phone number and being soo kind in helping me.. :)